Seizing Opportunity: Don’t Pull Down the Shade

Seizing Opportunity: Don’t Pull Down the Shade

Opportunities often come disguised as challenges or uncertainties, but it’s how we respond that shapes the course of our lives. In today’s blog, we’re diving into Chapter 10 of Midlife Marvels and exploring the theme of “Seizing Opportunity” – a reminder that the windows of possibility are always open if we’re willing to look for them. Let’s discover how embracing these moments can transform your journey, no matter where you are in life.

Every chapter in my book begins with a quote, and Chapter 10 resonates deeply with me. It’s from author and speaker Tom Peters: “If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.” This simple yet profound statement is a reminder that opportunities surround us, even when we least expect them. Our role is to recognize these chances and not allow fear or doubt to close the shade and make us miss out on something that could transform our lives.

Shifting Your Perspective in Midlife

As we navigate midlife, it can feel like doors are closing all around us. Perhaps you’ve retired and are wondering, What now? Maybe your children have moved out, leaving your house emptier than ever. Or maybe menopause has brought new challenges, and you’re trying to regain your balance. It’s easy to focus on endings. But today, I challenge you to shift your perspective. Instead of looking at doors that are closing, let’s focus on the windows that are opening.

When I wrote this chapter, I reflected on the opportunities my son encountered throughout his life. Some were small, others life-changing. But each required him to be open, to step through that window, even when it was uncertain or intimidating. His story is in the book, but today, I want to share a couple of personal windows that became true enlightenment for me.

The first window didn’t feel open at all at first. After graduating, my home county had no teaching positions, so I applied to a neighboring county—a 45-minute drive away. I didn’t realize it then, but this window was leading me to three wonderful mentor teachers. We carpooled together every day, and through those drives, I gained invaluable wisdom and insight that helped shape my teaching career.

The next window came when I moved to my current city. I originally wanted to settle in a nearby smaller town—because I’d always seen myself as a small-town girl. But after just one year of teaching there, that door closed, and I was led to Louisville. At the time, I thought it was a setback, but it’s where I met the most patient man I know, the man I now call my husband. Looking back, I realize these weren’t closed windows at all; they were better windows, leading me to experiences that shaped my life in ways I never imagined.

Recognizing the Windows in Your Life

Opportunities are often hard to see when we’re caught up in what feels like rejection or disappointment. But with time, we realize that what seems like a closed window could be God opening a better one. Reflect on moments in your life that felt like endings but were actually beginnings in disguise.

One striking example of seizing opportunity came to mind as I watched the Summer Olympics. Sprinter Noah Lyles truly embodies this spirit. His mantra, “Why not me?” is a powerful reminder for all of us, especially in midlife. Noah didn’t wait for opportunities to come to him—he sought them out. He didn’t let fear or doubt close the shade on his potential. Instead, he embraced uncertainty, taking each opportunity with everything he had.

Opportunities aren’t reserved for the young—they’re for all of us. Midlife is not the end of opportunity. It’s another chapter, full of windows waiting to be opened.

Celebrating and Reflecting on Opportunities

Take a moment to think about the windows of opportunity in your life. What have you seized that you can celebrate? Maybe it was a chance to travel, start a new career, or deepen a relationship. These moments add richness and depth to our lives. Celebrate them—they are your victories.

But we also have to talk about the opportunities we’ve missed. We’ve all pulled down the shade on a window at some point. Maybe you hesitated to apply for a job you wanted, let a relationship fade away, or gave up on a passion because you thought it was too late. The good news is, it’s never too late to open that window again. Opportunities ebb and flow like the tides. If you missed one, another is surely on the horizon—if you’re willing to look.

Journal Prompts for Reflection

I find journaling cathartic and research has proven that writing can help you reflect on your thoughts and does have positive effects on your mental health. So,  I encourage you to take time to reflect and journal. Here are a couple of prompts to help you explore the opportunities in your life:

Journal Prompt 1: What opportunities have I taken advantage of that I can celebrate?
Write about the windows you’ve bravely stepped through. Celebrate these moments of joy, growth, or fulfillment—they are your victories.

Journal Prompt 2: What opportunities have eluded me that I can now pursue?
Think about the windows you might have closed in the past. What stopped you? Is there a way to revisit those opportunities now? Or maybe there’s a new one on the horizon waiting for you to recognize it.

Final Thoughts

Remember that it’s never too late to open that window and let the light in. Opportunities are all around us, waiting for us to be brave enough to seize them. As you continue your journey, know that you have the strength and support to step through whatever window of opportunity comes your way.


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