From Comfort Food to Confident Moves: Building Strength in Midlife

From Comfort Food to Confident Moves: Building Strength in Midlife

Many of us face the struggle to maintain healthy habits during big life transitions. For me, this journey began with a pair of darn tight jeans and a much-needed wake-up call before a trip to Jamaica. What followed was a transformation that took me from cozy leggings to confident strength training. I want to share some practical tips to help you invest in your health and well-being.

The Comfort Food Trap

Let’s face it: when emotions run high, it’s easy to turn to comfort food. Who hasn’t reached for ice cream, chips, or a glass of wine on the deck after a long day? But when we let these habits take over, our health takes a backseat. I found myself in that exact spot—wearing leggings more than I’d like to admit and relying on comfort foods to get through tough moments.

But then came the trip to Jamaica, where a shopping trip at Altered State turned into a moment of realization—something had to change. Enough was enough!

Finding Your “Why”

One of the first steps in my journey was answering my “Why.” Why did I want to change my habits? For me, it was about feeling strong, vibrant, and confident in my own skin—not just for a vacation, but for the rest of my life. Understanding your motivation is key to sticking with new habits, especially when the going gets tough.

Nutrition: It’s More Than Just Cutting Calories

We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t out-exercise a poor diet,” and it’s so true! Counting macros helped me gain control over my eating. I recommend using the Chronometer App to track your macros. I also embarked on a 40-Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake, which offered a spiritual and physical detox. By cutting out sugar, I stopped fixating on food as a source of comfort and began focusing on the good things God has planned for my life. It was a transformative experience, and I recommend checking it out if you’re ready to give your health and spirit a reboot.

Don’t forget: Drink water! Hydration is essential, and it’s an easy way to start taking care of yourself today.

Building Strength: From Walking to Weightlifting

My journey started small, with simple walks around the neighborhood. Over time, those walks turned into hiking, and before I knew it, I was ready to take things up a notch. I set up a little training center in my basement, complete with resistance bands, a mat, and bodyweight exercises.

As I got stronger, I “graduated” to purchasing a weight set and a weight bench. This allowed me to really focus on building muscle—an essential part of maintaining a healthy metabolism as we age. Did you know that muscle mass helps burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate? It’s one of the best investments you can make in your long-term health.

Small Wins, Big Rewards

One of the keys to staying motivated is celebrating your progress along the way. For me, that meant treating myself to new outfits as I hit milestones and, eventually, scheduling a photoshoot for the cover of my book, Midlife Marvels. These small rewards kept me excited about the journey and reminded me that self-care is something to be proud of.

Tips for Starting Your Own Journey

If you’re ready to take control of your health, here are some practical steps to get started:

  • Purge your pantry of unhealthy snacks and replace them with nutritious options.
  • Find healthy recipes that you enjoy. Eating well doesn’t have to be boring!
  • Research a gym or create your own workout space at home, whether it’s in your basement or garage. You don’t need fancy equipment to get started—just a few basics can go a long way.
  • Invest in a good water bottle and make hydration a priority.

You Are Worth the Investment

Above all, remember that you are valuable, and taking care of your health is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Whether you’re starting with small steps like daily walks or diving into strength training, every move you make is a step toward a stronger, healthier you.

Take care of yourself, and keep investing in the amazing woman you are!


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